Images: 1)Amy Robertson-flickr 2) Haragayato-Creative Commons

A list of little things you can do to help

04 | 05 | 2020

Micro is macro: simple actions still make a big difference.

Given the unimaginable magnitude of the present situation, and the destructive potential of the pandemic affecting humanity, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed… and small. But now more than ever, gestures of generosity, however small they might seem—those that appeal to a sense of community and a willingness to selflessly help others—are necessary. Distance doesn’t mean isolation.

The health crisis facing the world is a situation people couldn’t have known about. Never in history has something like this happened to the entire planet at the same time. It involves many things, and among these is a widespread sense of fear and paralysis. But crises have historically also been opportunities for transformation, and perhaps it’s a good time to develop something humanity has long needed: an ability to see and hear others. The pandemic has shown with great clarity that the well-being of one is the well-being of all.

Below are some possible (small) actions that could make a huge difference, if you’re able to carry through with them:

Help the Elderly in Isolation

A good number of people must stay in strict isolation because their age makes them more vulnerable to the covid-19 virus. If you’re younger and able to do so, help the older people near you. You can support them by making their purchases, payments, or doing paperwork—activities that can only be done by taking to the streets. Don’t forget the recommended security measures to protect yourself as well.

Donate Blood

Health systems, clinics, and hospitals are in an extreme situation that’s run down their resources in multiple ways. Some of them are entirely at their limits. Blood bank reserves have been declining dangerously, and many populations have been asked to donate blood if they’re able to do so. This one act could save a lot of lives.

Cooperate with Support Organizations

If you’re financially able to do so, donate resources or volunteer with organizations or nonprofits working to provide all kinds of support to the most vulnerable populations.

Don’t Spread False Information

Media and social media already have too much false and misleading information. Fake news can cause discomfort, panic, and mistakes. Take great care with the information you read and share. Always make sure it comes from reliable sources and use it to protect the mental and emotional health of everyone around you.

Adopt or Temporarily Care for a Pet

In the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, many animal shelters without adequate resources are having to close their doors. This puts the animals into completely unprotected situations. If you can, adopt an animal or take one home temporarily while you look for someone to adopt it.

Make Homemade Masks

As a necessity during the health crisis, face masks and face covers are nearly always scarce. If you like to work with your hands, check one of  many tutorials on the internet to learn to manufacture them at home and distribute them to the people closest to you.

Share Joy

The covid-19 crisis has also had a negative effect on everyone’s mood. One need only glance at the media to feel depressed or distraught. But despite all the bad news, it’s important to try to keep spirits up and positive. Approach the people close to you, offer your support, listen to them, and share information to lift everyone’s spirits.

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